How can OER impact your pedagogy and student outcomes? Click each of the links on the left to explore resources related to the use of OER in your teaching practice.
The M.O.S.T. initiative offers workshops and convenings throughout the year. Attend M.O.S.T.’s convenings, workshops and webinars for new M.O.S.T. professional development opportunities.
The University of Texas at Arlington offers a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled, Introduction to Open Education taught by David Wiley, Chief Academic Officer, Lumen Learning and George Siemens, Professor and Executive Director, Learning Innovation & Networked Knowledge Research Lab at the University of Texas at Arlington. The archived version is available on demand, and a live series is planned for a future date.
According to the University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, open pedagogy is “the practice of engaging with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it. It’s a form of experiential learning in which students demonstrate understanding through the act of creation.”
Get an Introduction to Open Pedagogy from the University of Texas at Arlington Libraries.
The Milne Library at SUNY Geneseo has published an openly licensed book, Open Pedagogy Approaches: Faculty, Library, and Student Collaborations.
Find examples of classroom practices and ideas for open pedagogy at the Open Pedagogy Notebook and the Open Education Group’s examples of OER-enabled pedagogy and renewable assignments
As more faculty teach with OER, this may bring up issues of academic integrity and how to foster a culture of integrity in higher education.
Learn more about academic integrity at the International Center for Academic Integrity.